HOW TO REDEEM · view as page
1. Raise your standards 2. Change your limiting beliefs 3. Change your Strategy - Emotional Mastery - Physical Mastery - Relationship Mastery - Financial Mastery - Time Mastery
My life goal is to create new technologies and inspire other people to create/invent/discover something new. 99% of all money I can accumulate around me in the long term will go towards a better humanity future. What I do right now and where I am involved at this moment of my life is just the base of the great plan that I want to accomplish in my life.
I want to explain why I went public on HumanIPO and publicly opened my shares. When you start a business, you want to learn. Any entrepreneur, engineer, and person who realizes the value of the information wants to get information from people who run big companies, from people who have stories, and from successful companies. Silicon Valley is one of the greatest places to grow personally and professionally. This is where I live, but I also lived in London and in a few other countries for a while. We always learn and share our knowledge with other people. The level of personal education depends not only on where you studied, on the time period, country, communication with smart people but in general, from the information that you have around you. You receive information from people in real life, from people on the Internet, and this information should always be filtered. As soon as you start to filter information, you live changes. By opening my shares, 1) I give you an opportunity to get filtered information from the place where I live, people I communicate with, and businesses I run or participate in 2) earn money while I do my business. HumanIPO is like a channel where you can find a community you can learn from and earn money in the long term.
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